About Barb’s Solutions

A photo of my late grandmother, Barbara Bishop.

A photo of my late grandmother, Barbara Bishop.

Welcome to my corner of the world here in Leitchfield, Kentucky! My name is Samara Heavrin, the organization guru of Barb’s Solutions. Barb was my maternal grandmother who made a huge impact on my life. She was a strong, independent woman who always found solutions to any problem that she or someone she loved had. 

Which leads me to this exact moment! Barb’s Solutions was created to help you find solutions to any organization problem you are having. Are you needing a new system for your pantry or closet in your home? Are you a business owner needing a new organization system to make things run a little smoother? Heck— maybe you just need some tools to make your life a little more intentional and organized. If you are nodding your head agreeing to these questions then I am the girl for the job!

Organization has always been a passion in my life. Whether it was sorting blocks by color, my Barbie clothes as a child by style, or creating organization systems in my professional career for projects— organization can make all the difference for success.

I have seen in my own life that being organized keeps me on task, less stressed, and best ready for whatever opportunity or event comes my way. I look forward to sharing the joy and stress relief of improved organization with you!
